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Some Pages not updating
I've noticed that some of the pages are not updating to show the last message posted. I also think this is causing the new message 'alerts' to not always work.

Not a big issue, and probably one that will need drilling down to find. A couple of captures attached are not showing last poster correctly, however going to the next step in the directory structure it shows them correctly.

I can see why Miss Monique had problems uploading attachments, this is not the most helpful/intuitive forum software I've come across.
Attached Files
How do I upload pics
Help plz how can I upload pics I have tried clicking in the icon but it ask for a URL
Talkin Club Going Secure
Hi All, 
Some of you might have noticed the green padlock symbol just before the URL on the address bar, and the https instead of http.

This change because Talkin Club now enforced a secure connection between our member and server.
Our member privacy is very important to us therefore we deploy a secure connection between our server and our member.

On the down side, on some of the thread there will be a notification informing you that mix connection warning, or unsecure content are served on a secure server or something like that (cannot remember the exact warning) this is due to image link from other website that is not enforcing secure connections being shown on our secure server.

One of the example if you go to Well Massage Roster sub-forum, somewhere on page 3 the green padlock symbol will disappear or  you might even warn that there is unsecured connection (Depends on what browser you use). This is OK the reason for this is that well massage posted the roster image using a link to Perth Encounters site which does not have a secure connection.

Please be aware only image from Perth Encounters shown in the post are not secured and encrypted. Everything else is secured and encrypted, hope this can give our member a bit more confident in our forum and we are working hard to ensure our member privacy!

Thank you and keep the talkin coming!

New Language Pack Loaded
Hi All, 
We have loaded new language pack into this forum, for those who is not fluent with English there is an option for Chinese Language (Not sure if the translation is accurate but its a start).

To select different language, go to the bottom at the screen and click on the dog-paw symbol located on the middle of the bottom screen (shown below):

.png   bottom.png (Size: 685 bytes / Downloads: 184)

Then select a different language from the drop down an click "go" as shown below (Please click image to enlarge):


Hope this helps... so far i think the majority of the user is English and Chinese, if there is demand for other language please let us know and we will try our best to load it in.


Advertiser Forums
At the moment i totally skip the advertiser forums as I I go straight to the state forums.

To ensure advertisers posts are being viewed and that they get good value for their advertising dollars, I suggest creating a pinned post in the relevant state forum titled "XX Parlour - Current Roster". 

Eg in the WA Forum create a post called "Well Massage - Current Roster" and pin it so it stays on top of that forum. all you need to put into this post is a link to the relevant advertiser forum.
Add description to the end of Site Title
Hi Mod,.just want to say this is a good site and heading in the right direction.   I would like to suggest adding a description to the site title so that the forum will come up in searches.  

Eg instead of just "Talkin Club", update the JavaScript/html so the title of this site becomes "Talkin Club - Australia Sex Forum" Or something along those lines so if anyone searches for Australia and Sex, there's a higher chance they will come across this site.
How To Change Post View in Threads to Oldest on Top?
Hi, great job on starting this forum.

Just wondering how we can change the settings to view old posts in a thread on top and newer posts coming below ? Currently I'm seeing newest posts first when I click into a thread and its confusing the hell out of me.
Tips Change Avatar
Hi All, 
to change avatar, please go to Settings -> Avatar.
Once you are in Avatar Control Panel,
Please click Choose File to choose your avatar, once you chosen your avatar please click Change Avatar as shown on the screenshot below:



Tips to post on thread and Add Attachment
Hi All, 
Attached is some tips on how to add attachment for new post on thread.
Advertiser, please have a look on how to add attachment on your daily roster update.

Any question please feel free to post here...


Attached Files

.pdf   Update Post With Attachment.pdf (Size: 173.94 KB / Downloads: 94)
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