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How To Change Post View in Threads to Oldest on Top?

#1 super_manny
Hi, great job on starting this forum.

Just wondering how we can change the settings to view old posts in a thread on top and newer posts coming below ? Currently I'm seeing newest posts first when I click into a thread and its confusing the hell out of me.
#2 Miss Monique
I'm not sure luv but yes it is confusing as its back to front in the order they are showing
#3 admin
Hi Super_manny,
yup... I've fix that now the oldest will be on top... its an unfinished enhancement to bring user to the latest post instead showing on the first post... but we will get that enhancement in as soon as we have some times to spare...

Thx for the input...
#4 super_manny
(08-10-2016, 01:57 PM)admin Wrote: Hi Super_manny,
yup... I've fix that now the oldest will be on top... its an unfinished enhancement to bring user to the latest post instead showing on the first post... but we will get that enhancement in as soon as we have some times to spare...

Thx for the input...

Thanks !!! Big Grin
#5 admin
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